Restorative Practices
Restorative Practices are based on the understanding that everyone has value and that when harm occurs it hurts everyone involved. At The STAR Project we center our work in restoration. We hold the firm belief that to be in flourishing community we must use restorative practices to strengthen relationships through intentional conversation, accountability, and vulnerability. These are all skills that can be built and that need to be trained. There are incredible resources for people interested in learning more in the form of trainings from our community partners, literature, and films.
Check out some of our favorite readings and videos!
The Little Book of Restorative Justice by: Howard Zehr
Living Resistance by: Kaitlin B. Curtice
Healing Justice Lineages by: Cara Page & Erica Woodland
Return to the Teachings by: Rupert Ross
Beyond the Surface of Restorative Practices by: Marisol Quevedo Rerucha
Unearthing Our Roots by: Krista R Perez