Our Funding.
The STAR Project was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in 2004, and in 2005 received a two year start-up grant from the Sherwood Trust. The STAR Project receives funding from a variety of sources including Walla Walla County Department of Community Health, Blue Mountain Community Foundation, Stubblefield Trust, Sherwood Trust and other area Trusts. Churches, service clubs, and individuals also provide monetary support, especially for those services not covered by targeted grants.
Some of the primary needs for unfunded items include...
• Housing for those who would otherwise be homeless.
• Bus passes to allow clients to get to appointments and interviews.
• Volunteers and donations are always welcome for group dinners. The STAR Project hosts a monthly dinner as a way to provide support and interaction in a casual but structured setting. Attendees include participants and their children, STAR staff, and community volunteers.
• Starter packs for basic hygiene items including: razors, towels, feminine hygiene products, toothbrush/toothpaste, combs, shampoo, etc.
Donations can be designated for a specific cause (restricted) or can go to STAR's general operating fund (unrestricted) for participant services, at the donor's discretion.
Although the work of volunteers does not show up on a finance report, their time and talent comprise some of the STAR Project’s most valuable assets. We welcome those that are interested in being a life skills mentor to our clients.